英雄联盟手游解说抽奖活动,Exciig ews: League of Legeds Mobile Commeary Co

Exciig ews: League of Legeds Mobile Commeary Coes ad Giveaway!

Aeio all League of Legeds Mobile ehusiass! Ge ready o showcase your skills ad wi amazig prizes i our hrillig Commeary Coes ad Giveaway eve. Wheher you're a seasoed commeaor or a passioae gamer, his is your chace o shie ad be rewarded for your ale ad dedicaio.

How o Paricipae

To paricipae i he League of Legeds Mobile Commeary Coes ad Giveaway, simply follow hese easy seps:

Dowload he League of Legeds Mobile app ad creae your accou if you have' already.

Record a capivaig commeary video while playig your favorie maches i League of Legeds Mobile. Be creaive ad showcase your uique syle!

Upload your video o your preferred social media plaform (such as YouTube, TikTok, or Isagram) wih he hashag LOLMobileCommearyCoes ad ag our official page.

Fill ou he paricipaio form o our websie o officially eer he coes ad be eligible for prizes.


We've lied up some icredible prizes for he wiers of he League of Legeds Mobile Commeary Coes ad Giveaway, icludig:

Grad Prize: $1000 cash Exclusive i-game skis

Secod Prize: $500 cash Rare i-game iems

Third Prize: $300 cash League of Legeds Mobile merchadise

Ruer-Up Prizes: League of Legeds Mobile gif cards

Terms ad Codiios

Before paricipaig i he coes, please make sure o read ad udersad he followig erms ad codiios:

Paricipas mus be a leas 18 years old o eer.

Eries mus be origial ad o ifrige upo ay copyrighs or rademarks.

By submiig a ery, paricipas gra permissio for heir videos o be shared o our official chaels.

The decisio of he judges is fial ad bidig.

Wiers will be oified via email or direc message o social media.

Do' Miss Ou!

This is your chace o show off your commeary skills, wi faasic prizes, ad joi he vibra commuiy of League of Legeds Mobile players. Sar recordig, sar commeig, ad may he bes commeaor wi!
